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What is club stocking in FIFA Ultimate Team? How can it make me coins in FUT? Is it an effective investing method for FIFA?


Club stocking is one of the easiest ways to make FUT coins throughout the life cycle of a FIFA game. 82, 83 and 84 rated players will be needed to meet the rating requirements of most popular SBCs.

This means if you have the coins and they are low in value you should be picking them up. This repeatable FUT 20 trading method can boost your coin balance every time EA drop a popular SBC.

Depending on their nation and position you could make as much as 7000 FIFA coins per player. The key to maximising your profit is learning when to buy and sell. Our step-by-step trading method guide is below!

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Step-by-Step FIFA Trading Method Guide.


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Martinez is a perfect example of the type of player you should be picking up when his value is low! He is from a big league and a popular nation. Keeping your club stocked means you’ll be ready when EA drops an SBC!

1. Understanding what’s a good price.

The key to maximising profit with this method is knowing when to buy. Good resources to use are FUTBIN’s price graphs for 82, 83 and 84 rated players. The general rule to follow is to invest when there are no SBCs out that require the cards. The down time between promos is a great time to pick up 83/84s.

2. Buying the right players.

Stay diversified! The more varied the players you have, the less risk you are taking. Don’t risk picking up 100 of one player. Only to have EA drop an SBC with different requirements than anticipated. The cards you pick up should be from the top 9 nations or the big 5 leagues. Identifying and investing in the right players can generate thousands of FIFA coins in extra profit.

3. Knowing when to sell.

Best practice is to set a price you want to sell for and stick to it. These players follow a usual trend in value when a promo or SBC drops. They shoot up when a popular SBC is first released. The market then gets flooded making prices drop, (another good opportunity to invest.) Then prices rise steadily throughout the remainder of the promo/SBC release.


4. Re-Invest when you can.

This trading method is repeatable, meaning it can make you FUT coins all year. It’s what makes this FIFA Ultimate Team trading method such a good one! Just make sure you keep checking the prices of 82, 83 and 84s in between promos and SBCs. You never want to miss an opportunity to make FIFA coins.

FUT Trading Mistakes to Avoid.


- Buying Goalkeepers.

Most popular SBCs have at least a 50 chemistry requirement, meaning that GK cards rarely rise in price. We recommend focusing on picking up outfield players as you have a better chance of making more FIFA coins


- Over investing.

Don’t spend all your coins on one type of investment! One of the keys to being a great FIFA Ultimate Team trader is to stay diversified!


- Late investing.


Buy before the hype! Make sure you’re not buying at the same time as every other FUT player. You want to avoid buying in the days leading up to a big promo. Everyone will be doing the same, inflating the prices of players.

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