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What does TOTW mean in FIFA? What is the BPM in FIFA Ultimate Team? What is the META in FIFA? What’s a lazy buyer on the FUT Market?
Our FUT trading glossary answers all those questions! We try to make our guides as simple as possible, but there’s still a lot of Ultimate Team jargon you might not understand. If you’re a new FIFA trader, you can use this page as way to understand key FUT Trading terms.
BIN - Buy It Now - The instant price you can buy a card for.
BPM - Bronze Pack Method - A trading method based on opening bronze packs, find the step by step guide here!
Discard Value - A card with a price very close or equal to the amount of coins you can get back by quick selling it.
EA Tax - The 5% EA takes from every sale on the FUT market.
Investing - Buying a card that you believe will rise in value over time.
Lazy Buyer - Someone who buys a player or consumable without concern for it’s real value. Often casual players who just want things ASAP and don’t care about losing coins.
META - Most Effective Tactic Available - A gaming term for the easiest way to win. In FIFA terms it’s used to describe the best in game players.
Open Bid - A card that is available to bid on.
OTW - One To Watch - A special card type that gets upgraded each time that player earns a TOTW card. Find our step by step guide to OTW trading here!
POTM - Player Of The Month.
Promo - Special events that EA drop throughout the year. These can include SBCs, new special cards and themed objectives.
SBC - Squad Building Challenge - Squad builders released by EA that if completed will give a player a special card or pack reward.
SPM - Silver Pack Method - A trading method based on opening bronze packs, find the step by step guide here!
Special Card - New cards released as part of promos or SBCs. These are often heavily boosted when compared to base cards.
TOTW - Team Of The Week - New special cards released every Wednesday.
TOTY - Team Of The Year - Special cards released as part of a promo in January every year.
TOTS - Team Of The Season - Special cards released as part of a promo at the end of the club season every year.
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